Our world is characterized by: permanent war, full-spectrum dominance, targeted assassinations, rendition, torture, water-boarding, NSA, FBI, CIA, Mossad, MI6, NATO, Gladio, Abu Ghraib, Guantanamo, mercenaries, Blackwater, paramilitaries, Contras, counter-insurgency, nuclear weapons, cruise missiles, drones, landmines, cluster bombs, napalm, white phosphorus, Agent Orange, depleted uranium, biological and chemical weapons, enemy combatants, shock and awe, mujahideen, al-Qaeda, Taliban, Islamic State (ISIS), Zionism, state terrorism, false flags, 9/11, color revolutions, regime change, coup d’etats, sanctions, drug trafficking, mind control, enslavement, manipulation, deception, human trafficking, plausible deniability, impunity, fascism and neo-fascism, Auschwitz, Nanking, Hiroshima and Nagasaki, genocide, apartheid, dictatorship, plutocracy, oligarchy, kleptocracy, political sociopaths and narcissists, structural adjustment, austerity, extreme inequality, exploitation, poverty, elite pedophilia, endemic corruption, predatory capitalism, profiteering, tax havens, money laundering, bank bail-outs and bail-ins, too-big-to-fail, monopoly capitalism, globalization, market manipulation, financialization, corporatism, corporate personhood, golden parachutes, fracking, mountain-top removal, tar sands, Fukashima, laboratory-created diseases, genetically-engineered food, glyphosate, medical-pharma mafia, vaccine catastrophe, autism, three-strikes, maximum-security, militarization of police, corporate media, public relations, propaganda, fake news, surveillance, RFID chips, optical scans, facial recognition, global government, the New World Order.
It is clear that this world has not been built by caring human beings, but has been constructed and is run by parasitic hallow soulless evildoers.
And, despite the violence, suffering and chaos they have caused, we allow them to remain at the top, and in control.
Simply stop giving these people the power to control you. Innerstand that the only power they have is the power the people themselves grant to them.